Case law page 18 of 30

298 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

FWC upholds ejection of remorseless buttock-tapper

The FWC has upheld Star Casino's sacking of a food and beverage server who said he tapped a colleague's bottom in an act of comradery, accused three workmates of entrapping him and threatened to "raise hell" for his employer.

Court fines AWU for adverse action against members

The Federal Court has today ordered the AWU to pay an $18,000 penalty for pressing charges under its rules against two members who refused to support industrial action against Orica.

Vegan beliefs protected under UK workplace equality laws

In the wake of the UK's employment tribunal ruling that "ethical veganism" is a protected philosophical belief in the workplace, a Seyfarth Shaw partner says that there might be scope under state and federal discrimination laws to advance a similar claim in Australia.

"Big threatening scary man" comment not s-x bias: FWC

The FWC has rejected allegations that a female supervisor's description of a worker as a "big threatening scary man" amounted to s-xual discrimination, finding no evidence that he was treated less favourably because he was a male.

Police commander targeted homos-xual officers: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that a commander discriminated against officers he described as a "close knit friendship group of homos-xual like-minded" police in a complaint of possible drug use, while clearing the NSW Police Force of any discrimination in its handling of the allegations.

Go external for harassment investigations: Tribunal

In a decision pointing out the multiple failures of an upmarket Adelaide supermarket to properly handle a juice bar worker's complaint that "the chef just touched my arse", a tribunal has ordered the company and her former colleague to jointly pay her $30,000 in damages.

"People like you can't get pregnant" remark justified sacking

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of an Energy Australia employee who told one colleague she could not get pregnant due to her sexuality and suggested to another that he was related to Deepak Chopra because of his Indian descent.

Employee demoted after s-xual harassment complaint

An employer victimised a supervisor by forcing her to take leave and change roles after she complained that a male colleague s-xually-harassed her when he stared at her breasts, a tribunal has found.

Bench rejects Minister's review of 'discriminatory' deal

An FWC full bench has rejected IR Minister Christian Porter's bid to review an already-approved agreement on the basis that it contains discriminatory terms, while it has allowed changes "entirely disposing" of any lingering ambiguities.

Explanation for racially-motivated sacking "fabricated": FWC

The FWC has rejected the "post fabricated" inventions of a supermarket owner found to have sacked a casual shop assistant because he preferred workers from Asian-speaking backgrounds, ordering full compensation despite claims it would destroy his business.