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265 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Appeals

Full court overrules FWC bench on "drink-spiked" Qantas pilot

A full Federal Court has ruled today that an FWC full bench went beyond the boundaries of the tribunal's fast-track "permission to appeal" process, when it dealt with the "substance" of a sacked Qantas pilot's challenge to his dismissal.

Representative error not automatic reason to extend time: FWC

A Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that representative error does not provide an "inviolable reason" for granting an extension of time for an unfair dismissal claim due to exceptional circumstances.

Bench upholds sacking for racist comments

Prior employee misconduct that did not result in dismissal but demonstrates a "pattern of unacceptable behaviour" must be considered when determining unfair dismissal cases, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled.

Employers not expected to take neutral approach: Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a finding that BHP Coal unfairly dismissed an employee due to shortcomings in procedural fairness, after finding it reasonable for the company to have "leanings or inclinations" on sanctions to apply when its investigation indicated the worker had engaged in serious misconduct.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Compensation for worker sacked for remark made in jest; & more

Unfair to sack supervisor for remark made in jest; FWC grants legal representation for case to be heard on "less emotive" basis; Employer's appeal against domestic violence sacking rejected by full bench; High-earning BHPB "number two" not protected from unfair dismissal; HR business partner's $138,000 salary exceeds high income threshold; Tribunal rejects sacked worker's bid for reimbursement of counselling costs; Ranger dismissed because contract ran out, not whistleblowing; and FWC "draws the line" on "meandering" unfair dismissal claim.

Train driver sacked for safety breaches gets job back

Pacific National has been ordered to reinstate a train driver, after the FWC uncovered flaws in its investigation before it sacked him for speeding and leaving his co-driver behind while she took a trackside toilet break.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Morning sickness justifies extending time; and more

Morning sickness justifies extending time; Legal representation granted in drug test dismissal case; Constructive dismissal by phone justified after vehicle log book failure; Refusal to accept a large settlement not unreasonable, says FWC; and "Informal chat" insufficient consultation for horse trainer redundancy.