Appeals page 3 of 26

260 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Appeals

Re-hearing delivers no change for sacked forex dealer

A foreign exchange dealer has come up empty-handed after he overturned his dismissal on appeal, with the FWC on re-hearing the case taking little time to reject his claim that the "punishment did not fit the crime".

Costs against manager accused of earning "secret profits"

The former contracts manager of an ASX-listed mining company has been ordered to pay half his former employer's costs in defending an appeal against a judge's decision to strike out most of a general protections claim filed as the company pursues him for allegedly earning "secret profits".

Academic's 'cancel culture' win on hold

A Sydney University lecturer sacked for superimposing a swastika on a posted image of an Israeli flag has nominally won his job back, pending the result of the institution's appeal against a finding that his 2019 dismissal breached its agreement's intellectual freedom clause.

Damages payout boosted for previously "vibrant" accountant

A court has upped from $20,000 to $90,000 the general damages payout for a veteran chief accountant subjected to age discrimination and is considering billing his former employer a further $142,000 for economic loss, after hearing he is "no longer the same man" and is unable to work.

"Ostrich-like" lawyer denied second bite at case

A criminal lawyer with an "ostrich-like" attitude has failed to convince a judge to reconsider a default judgment ordering him to pay two former employees penalties, costs, long service leave and super totalling more than $70,000.

FWC referring solicitor to Law Society for "nazi" accusation

A FWC full bench has rejected a solicitor's challenge to a $36,000 costs order and will report him to the NSW Law Society over his misconduct in accusing another tribunal member of being a "Nazi" and taking bribes.

HR manager's responsibility change not a constructive dismissal: FWC

The FWC has found that a HR manager who quit after her employer changed her responsibilities was not forced to resign, noting that although she had to report to a different manager, "a change in a reporting line does not constitute constructive dismissal".

Second hearing a new trial, not an update: Judge

A judge has been forced to pick apart a full court's remittal order before determining that he must rehear a worker's adverse action case afresh rather than merely considering "updated" evidence.

Eight and out for aggrieved worker

The FWC has declared after eight unfair dismissal applications and 24 matters in total over two years that it will no longer entertain a persistent worker's quest for satisfaction through the tribunal.