Appeals page 17 of 26

260 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Appeals

IR commissioner exceeded powers in dismissal case: Bench

A rail employee denied reinstatement in part as a result of post-dismissal Facebook posts calling his employer a "bastard" and "criminal with stars" will have another shot at challenging his sacking, after a NSW court of appeal found the state IRC exceeded its powers.

Reprieve for Twiggy employee sacked during PIP

An FWC full bench has granted permission to appeal the sacking by resources giant FMG of an employee just one week into a six-week performance improvement plan (PIP), but has cautioned against interpreting its ruling as suggesting that employers must always see such processes through to the end.

Another shot for worker who disobeyed armed hold-up protocol

An FWC full bench has quashed a ruling that upheld Woolworths' sacking of a petrol station employee for failing to follow its armed hold-up protocol when he refused to hand over money and cigarettes to an unarmed but "difficult" customer.

$25,000 costs security order for sacked ABCC inspector

An inspector sacked by the ABCC for failing to disclose criminal and disciplinary proceedings when he was a police officer must pay $25,000 security to challenge a court's rejection of his bid for a judicial review.

Hiatus strips dismissed employee of award protection: Bench

While stopping short of categorising a long-time Esso employee who worked overseas as an on-hire worker, an FWC full bench has found that his failure to secure a "substantive" role with the company on return to Australia meant he could not rely on an industry award to protect him from unfair dismissal.

Harden up: Bench splits over phased return to work

An FWC full bench majority has thrown out a a company's challenge to a decision requiring it to reinstate an injured worker to his previous role and ensure he receives "work hardening".