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1446 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

Bench reinstates sacked union delegate

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate a union delegate unfairly sacked by Simplot a year ago and instead ordered it to reinstate him, holding a senior member weighed irrelevant considerations in deciding not to give him his job back.

IBM exec's redundancy challenge reveals $27K overpayment

A former IBM chief financial officer claiming she was underpaid $101,000 in redundancy entitlements based on transitional arrangements for "Telstra heritage employees" was in fact overpaid by $27,000, a court has held.

No redundancy cut for "assisting" job search: FWC

An employer has failed to persuade the FWC that "assisting" a worker in securing a job with the successful inheritor of a key contract was sufficient reason to reduce his redundancy payout.

Out of bounds: HR manager's late shot rejected

A veteran HR manager with extensive experience of the FWC's unfair dismissal jurisdiction cannot challenge her own ousting from a golfing peak body after a laptop malfunction pushed her application beyond the 21-day filing deadline.

FWC's reasons for upholding sacking to remain a mystery

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a Westpac manager who only learned of the reason for her summary dismissal after the tribunal issued confidentiality orders restricting its own ability to publish details of the case.

Tribunal won't swallow marijuana cookies claim

The FWC has refused to accept a worker's claim that he tested almost 20 times over the limit for the psychoactive compound THC because he unknowingly ingested up to three marijuana cookies from a plate of food taken home from a 40th birthday party.

Sacked union official sues over alleged gambling discrimination

A former ETU official is suing over his expulsion from the union for credit card misuse and refusing to apologise for an alleged assault, claiming discrimination on the basis of his gambling addiction and that the matters had already been finalised under the branch's previous leadership.

Pandemic used to "disguise" ex-wife's sacking: FWC

The FWC has ordered a chief executive to compensate his ex-wife $27,000 for unfairly sacking her from their start-up, finding he used the COVID-19 downturn to "disguise" her dismissal as a redundancy soon after they separated.