Case law page 19 of 145

1446 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

"Faith stream's" vax views insufficient to sway FWC

The FWC has rejected an unvaccinated child protection officer's faith-based challenge to her sacking, despite claims that requiring her to get a COVID-19 jab is akin to asking a Muslim worker "to have injections that s/he considered not Halal".

HR manager's responsibility change not a constructive dismissal: FWC

The FWC has found that a HR manager who quit after her employer changed her responsibilities was not forced to resign, noting that although she had to report to a different manager, "a change in a reporting line does not constitute constructive dismissal".

Burke, Qantas joust over right to intervene in outsourcing case

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has told the High Court that upholding Qantas' challenge to a finding that it unlawfully outsourced ground-handling jobs would lead to a "chronic imbalance" in IR, while the airline argues that the Government should not be allowed to intervene in the case in the first place.

FWC warns workplace policies must be easy to understand

In returning a worker to her job and restoring most of her lost pay, finding the policy the worker breached "might make sense to copyright lawyers and some IT specialists, but probably no one else" the FWC has cautioned that "employer policy documents and manuals must be accessible, understandable and reasonable in their terms".

Casuals not so easily "dispensed with": FWC

Casuals cannot be "dispensed with" simply by reducing their hours to zero, the FWC has ruled, clearing the way for a worker to proceed with his adverse action claim.

"Rogue" HR contractor not to blame for fumbled case: FWC

An employer alleging a "rogue" HR contractor's misconduct robbed it of a chance to defend a supervisor's unfair dismissal claim has failed to convince the FWC to revoke a decision that left it with a $34,000 compensation bill.