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1448 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

Anti-dobbing culture meant no brake on supervisor's bullying: FWC

A Fair Work Commission full bench majority has urged DP World to address an "anti-dobbing" culture that contributed to its failure to curb a supervisor's bullying behaviour, in a decision upholding the company's dismissal of a subordinate he goaded into assaulting him.

Sacking train driver was adverse action: Court

The Federal Circuit Court has found a rail company took unlawful adverse action when it dismissed a locomotive driver who became sick and anxious and couldn't go through with a competency assessment six weeks after he was involved in a crash.

Appeal bench majority upholds dismissal of prison officers

In a split decision, a NSW IRC full bench has upheld an appeal against orders preventing the dismissal of three corrections officers, after finding that Deputy President Rod Harrison had incorrectly based his decision on whether the officers were guilty of serious misconduct.

Prank gone wrong: Tribunal upholds sacking over "gay" email

A prison officer has failed to win reinstatement after being summarily dismissed for impersonating a co-worker by sending an email from the colleague's account to his entire department, inviting other "homosexuals" to contact him.

FWA upholds grounding of swearing Qantas flight attendant

A Qantas flight attendant's bad language and agitated behaviour provided grounds for her dismissal, but it might have been different if the conduct had occurred on a building site, FWA has found.