Case law page 135 of 146

1452 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

Full bench confirms defence personnel not "employees"

A full bench of the Federal Court has confirmed the common law definition of "employee" as it applies to defence personnel after an enlisted serviceperson unsuccessfully argued the Commonwealth had discriminated against him when it took adverse action and sacked him for being HIV positive.

Organiser's conspiracy theory a "bit rich" says FWC

Former CFMEU official Ben Loakes' claims the union conspired to have him sacked have been rejected by the FWC after it found the official's evidence did not stand up to "any scrutiny".

Appeal court rules on annual leave payouts

A full Federal Court has confirmed that annual leave owed to workers on termination of employment must be paid out at the same rate they would have received had they taken it while still working.

Bench makes crucial ruling on child-related employment

An FWC full bench has ruled that a Catholic school religious education coordinator charged with criminal offences wasn't dismissed, because child protection legislation rendered "impermissible" his continued employment.