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1446 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

FWC warns against "unwarranted hope" for ex-Uber drivers

A FWC member has stopped short of accusing a "lawyer" of peddling false hope among deactivated Uber drivers and riders while dismissing the latest of 50 near-identical unfair dismissal applications to land on her desk in the past six months.

FWC rejects "overly zealous" instructor's late application

A FWC member has put in a plug for a "likeable" casual ski instructor to be re-employed, despite rejecting his request for a time extension to challenge his sacking for allegedly competing in an obstacle race while drawing worker's compensation for an injury.

Police technician gets job back for second time in six years

The NSW IRC has reinstated a police technician for the second time in six years after he was again sacked for abusive outbursts – this time targeting rail workers during industrial action that affected his commute.

FDV leave request led to sacking: FWC

A pharmacy worker sacked for requesting unpaid domestic violence leave has been awarded more than $17,000 compensation after the FWC rejected the employer's claims that performance issues sparked the dismissal.

$65K for worker sacked for telling contractor "take a sickie"

Resources giant Santos has been ordered to pay $65,000 to a worker sacked for telling a contractor to "take a sickie" during a strike, the FWC finding the dismissal harsh after weighing his long and unblemished career.

No compensation for unvaxxed worker despite unfair sacking

The FWC has awarded zero compensation to an unvaccinated former Boeing worker at the same time as it has lambasted the subsidiary that unfairly sacked him for failing to inform him of the result of his redeployment bid.

"Disturbing lack of candour" in pilot's anti-vax case: Judge

A Federal Court judge has noted a pilot's "disturbing lack of candour" in whittling back the challenge of eight former Virgin and Jetstar employees to their dismissals for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies.

Court tosses out "warring" brothers' adverse action case

A judge has rejected a business owner's claim of unlawful sacking because he repeatedly accused his co-owner brother of bullying and conflicts of interest, finding their "poisonous" relationship unrelated to his dismissal for ignoring a direction to stay away from the office while under investigation for allegedly harassing employees.