Case law page 126 of 146

1452 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Case law

FWC provides guidance on drug testing best practice

The Fair Work Commission has emphasised that employers conducting drug tests are not complying with best practice if their managers take samples from employees they directly manage.

Tribunal backs sacking of Coles dope smoker

The FWC has found it reasonable for Coles Group Supply Chain Pty Ltd to dismiss a worker who tested positive to cannabis but claimed to have consumed it outside what he believed to be the "window of detection".

Howard-backed postal worker wins compensation for summary dismissal

A postal worker who was backed by then shadow IR minister John Howard in postal union elections 20 years ago has today won compensation after the FWC ruled that Australia Post made a single "glaring error" when it summarily dismissed him.

FWC permits rare appeal in dismissal dispute

In a rare decision to permit an appeal in a dismissal dispute, an FWC full bench has concluded that a presidential member may have wrongly discounted a reason for the late submission of the appellant's original claim.

Redeployment chances unfairly compromised by seniority: FWC

A scientist whose seniority weighed against her in competing for internal vacancies at one of Australia's leading cancer institutes has been awarded 5.4 weeks' pay after the FWC found insufficient efforts were made at redeployment before her position was terminated.

Sacked employee's claim rejected for "double dipping"

An employee who lodged a general protections claim only minutes after making a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commission has had her claim knocked back by the FWC because of provisions banning "double dipping".