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Who dares, doesn't always win, rules FWC

The FWC has determined that Woolworths was justified in sacking a petrol station employee for refusing to hand over money and cigarettes to a "difficult" customer, who then walked off without paying for a Dare iced coffee and spinach ricotta roll.

"Informal" performance management process endorsed in sacking case

Employers needn't comply with rigid performance management processes when dismissing poorly-performing employees, as long as they can point to conscious and concerted efforts to address the worker's perceived shortcomings, the FWC has found.

Redundancies not genuine when workers reject pay cut: FWC

The FWC has thrown out an employer's argument that a "wide view" of the Fair Work Act allowed it to make four safety officers working on the Gorgon LNG project redundant when they refused to accept a 13% pay cut.

Employers need more hammers in their disciplinary toolbox: FWC

The FWC has called on employers to introduce a greater range of disciplinary options like fines and unpaid suspensions into agreements to avoid "inappropriately lenient or inappropriately harsh" responses to misconduct that are problematic for all parties concerned.