Registered organisations page 12 of 21

202 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Registered organisations

New headcount policy lops 20% from union's membership

The AWU is seeking to change the rules governing the way it counts members after belatedly lodging membership figures of 69,786 as of December 2017 – a drop of 17,420, or 20%, from the figure reported a year earlier – following an external audit conducted at the urging of the ROC.

"High level" of trust between ROC and unions: Bielecki

As union calls for the ROC's abolition have intensified in the wake of its raids on AWU offices, the watchdog's leadership maintains that behind the scenes there is increasing collaboration over a shared quest to protect members' interests.

Bid to exit RO system "unusual": ROC

The NT Master Builders Association is citing a "heavy compliance burden" for seeking to cancel its status as a registered organisation and shift to a corporate structure, a move the Registered Organisations Commission says is now "very unusual".

Court orders first personal fine against a union official

A full Federal Court has today ushered in a new age in which union officials are held personally liable for breaching IR laws, ordering a CFMMEU organiser to pay almost $20,000 from his own pocket for his role in disrupting work at a construction site in 2013.

Former union secretary fined for overpaying himself

The Federal Court has fined a former Flight Attendants' Association international division secretary $2000 for failing to submit six years of the union's budgets and overpaying himself $16,000 in 2011, taking into account his cooperation and "genuine belief" he was entitled to the sum.

AWU raids trial pushed back to September

The Federal Court today granted an AWU application to delay by a month the trial of its bid to quash the investigation that led to Federal Police raids on the union's offices last year.

"High hurdle" halts pilots' rule change plans

The FWC has today ruled out a contentious rule change sought by a pilots union because it failed to abide by requirements to secure support from a two-thirds majority of its governing body.

Rule change ensures equal representation in union governance

Women will make up at least half of all members elected to the Independent Education Union's federal council branches following a rule change that secretary Chris Watt says is a "symbolic" first step that he hopes will prompt its state branches to look at their own structures.

Tribunal ejects case arising from "extraordinary and bizarre scenario"

The FWC has tossed out for want of jurisdiction an "unprecedented" pay dispute lodged by sacked FAAA national division secretary Andrew Staniforth against Qantas to correct overpayments, with a senior deputy president stating he has never encountered a "stranger industrial proposition".