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461 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Agreements

No redundancy payout for Blackmores manager who abandoned job

A former international manager for listed health products company Blackmores who sought more than $140,000 in compensation has failed to prove his employer dismissed him because of redundancy or that its HR manager and others misled him by claiming he was not entitled to severance pay.

Granting of permit to Westgate organiser a bridge too far: FWC

The AMWU has failed in its bid to obtain an entry permit for an organiser involved in the notorious Westgate Bridge dispute because imposing additional permit conditions would amount to "no more than shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted", says the FWC.

Bid to save "small rainforest" derails labour hire agreement

An FWC presidential member has expressed "wonder" at having to reject an agreement for a major labour hire company that turned the simple process of providing employees with a bargaining representation notice into a "debacle".

Redeployees must be given "meaningful work": Tribunal

The FWC has ruled that a company's enterprise agreement obliges it provide "meaningful work" to redeployees and operates as an exception to the general rule that there is no common law right to be provided with work.

Major employer's clerical error sinks agreement

Stevedore DP World has acknowledged its "clerical error" is to blame for the FWC's rejection of proposed enterprise agreements for its Melbourne and Brisbane container terminals, after its ballot declarations wrongly stated that fewer than 10% and 2% of workers respectively supported the deals.

Changes to Fair Work Act begin today

Changes to greenfields agreements bargaining, protected action ballots and unpaid parental leave have come into effect today, after the Federal Government's Fair Work Amendment Bill received Royal Assent yesterday.

FWC responds to "concerted" targeting of employee

The FWC has reversed disciplinary action against an employee, accepting the CFMEU's argument that her employer unfairly targeted her over work performance issues.