Agreements page 27 of 47

461 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Agreements

Judgment highlights primacy of deal's intellectual freedom clause

James Cook University is fighting back against a Federal Circuit Court finding that it unlawfully sacked an academic who criticised prominent climate research, while the NTEU has welcomed a finding that the institution's code of conduct is "subordinate" to an intellectual freedom clause in its agreement.

Stopworks not unlawful industrial action: Full Court

A full Federal Court has upheld a finding that agreement-sanctioned union stopwork meetings can be freely used to delay and disrupt business as part of a campaign strategy, but has increased fines for the CFMMEU's coercion of head contractor Hutchison by almost 30%.

Employer not required to pay idle workers at fire-damaged mill: FWC

A Tasmanian wood mill operator that stood down its workforce after this year's bushfires has established that even though its agreement requires workers to be paid for time lost due to such natural events, it does not have to pay them if it is because of bushfire-damaged machinery.

Job security link permits FWC to rule on casual conversion clause

A large pharmaceutical company is obliged to convert labour hire workers to permanent positions after a year's continuous employment, the FWC ruling that the relevant agreement clause was a permitted matter because it promoted job security.

FWC rejects O'Dwyer bid to refer legal question to Federal Court

FWC President Iain Ross's delegate has refused to refer to the Federal Court IR Minister Kelly O'Dwyer's "revolutionary" question of law as to whether the Fair Work Act allows indirectly discriminatory terms in agreements, while also flagging potential hurdles to her quest for a review of a new fire brigade deal.

Professor contesting "privileged" status of pre-investigation advice

After winning an interlocutory injunction reversing her suspension from Melbourne University, the head of its culture and communication school is challenging her employer's claim that legal advice received before appointing an investigator to probe possible misconduct is privileged.

Error-stricken air traffic controller's dismissal stayed

The FWC has halted the dismissal of an air traffic controller who in the space of two months assigned the wrong runway and "lost" separation of aircraft at Sydney Airport, finding that "questions of fact" around the employer's obligation to manage his performance needed to first be settled.

Kmart deal not so super, says SDA rival

RAFFWU is challenging the approval of a Kmart deal that won overwhelming endorsement from workers, claiming a refusal to provide an opt-out of the retail industry superannuation fund and 1c above-award pay rates will mean it fails the better off overall test.

Full court upholds strict rules for bargaining notice content

A full Federal Court has upheld a finding that retailer Aldi issued invalid bargaining notices because it failed to strictly follow the mandatory content requirements when it replaced "employer" with "leader".

Deal's "traditional" notion supports uni's pay cut: FWC

A university's decision to slash casual tutors' rates for online student support almost four years into an agreement has been endorsed by the FWC, despite the member observing that the deal's definition of tutorial harked back to his long-gone days at law school.