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Full court rules increases payable until new deal sealed

Qube Logistics must backpay two 3% increases held to be payable until it re-negotiated a rail deal, after a full Federal Court today upheld a finding that re-negotiation takes place when an agreement comes into force rather than when bargaining begins.

Streets can't freeze out casuals: Bench

A full bench has overturned a decision that found casual Streets Ice Cream factory workers were not to be counted in calculating ratios for full time and other types of employment set when Unilever introduced a new "flexible permanent part-time" category.

FSU urging full bench to reject "oversold" CBA deal

After accusing the Commonwealth Bank of using "bribes" and threats to force a non-union deal down workers' throats, the FSU is now objecting to its FWC approval at the same time as running a test case to claw back superannuation it claims should be paid on leave loading.

Telstra made fair call on safety rep's redundancy: FWC

The FWC has found a Telstra HR specialist properly handled an OHS representative's challenge to his retrenchment, despite the CEPU contending his selection was "infected by bias" due to his role and a history of interpersonal conflict with his manager.

Union to seek urgent dispute hearing after injunction bid

The Federal Court has today refused a rail union bid to stop the retrenchment and redeployment of employees of Melbourne public transport operator Metro Trains, after the company gave an undertaking it wouldn't proceed while the RTBU seeks an expedited dispute hearing in the FWC.

Unfair to stand in way of cost savings: FWC

The FWC has cleared the way for Bluescope to outsource the cleaning role of skilled operators at its Port Kembla bulk berth department, finding it would be unfair to stop it achieving financial benefits of improved flexibility even though it will cost eight permanent positions.

Ridd asserts his "overriding right" to criticise employer

An academic challenging his sacking for breaching his university's code of conduct when he denounced its climate change research will tell the High Court intellectual freedom provisions give him an overriding right to criticise his employer.

FWC upholds sacking of hugging teacher

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a 52-year-old Victorian secondary teacher who "crossed the line" when he hugged and touched boys, despite also finding his employer did not follow the disciplinary procedures set out in its enterprise agreement.

Department must consult on dress standards, social media: FWC

The Department of Home Affairs has failed to convince the FWC it was not obliged to consult workers before introducing new policies governing social media use, interactions with children and a dress code deeming sleeveless clothing "unsuitable".