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459 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Agreements

WFH direction for harassment accused breaches deal: FWC

The FWC has acknowledged there is a "high bar" to overturning management decisions but ultimately found that Ambulance Victoria breached its agreement when it directed a paramedic to perform alternative duties from home while it investigated a colleague's s-xual harassment claims against him.

Firies entitled to compensation for additional hours: Bench

A FWC full bench has hosed down a commissioner's allegation that a failure to provide a worker 14 hours of "leisure time" bordered on "wage theft", but has upheld his finding that the worker should have received the additional leave.

Academic's 'cancel culture' win overturned by full court

Sydney University will not have to reinstate a lecturer sacked five years ago for superimposing a swastika on an image of an Israeli flag, after a full Federal Court majority found he could not prove that his "incendiary" conduct fell under intellectual freedom protections.

SJSP clause dropped from Aldi deal at last minute: SDA

The SDA says its challenge to a Victorian/Tasmanian Aldi deal on the basis that it tries to circumvent new "same-job, same-pay" laws has prompted the company to quietly ditch similar provisions from a proposed SA deal immediately before an unsuccessful ballot.

Agreement did not make work "voluntary": Court

The MUA has failed to convince a Federal Court judge that stevedores are owed for days lost through strikes because their agreement supposedly guaranteed 30 hours a week pay once they reached an annual threshold, whether they worked or not.

HR team "should have known better": FWC bench

A FWC full bench has slammed a public health provider's HR team for its "inappropriate" response to queries about late payment of 'nauseous work' and education allowances for an estimated 220 employees, concluding that the delay amounted to an underpayment capable of attracting a penalty.

Court backs FWC role in case that led to HR manager referral

In a significant judgment on the FWC's powers, a full Federal Court has today dismissed a major hospitality group's claim that a Commission bench exhibited bias when it voiced its concerns about an already-approved agreement ultimately revealed to have been voted up by three venue managers and a payroll employee not covered by it.

Hatcher names team to oversee gig, transport powers

Three members will aid Vice President Ingrid Asbury in managing the FWC's new jurisdiction for "regulated" workers and businesses in the gig economy and road transport sector, according to President Adam Hatcher.

Indigenous "cultural load" recognition gains traction

Most universities now have cultural workload allowances for First Nations employees in their agreements that recognise the often unseen cultural education guidance they provide, with WA's Murdoch University the latest to adopt the entitlement, according to the NTEU.

Employee ineligible for second PPL period: FWC

The FWC has found a worker ineligible for paid parental leave for her second child because she only returned to work for six and a half months before the second period of intended leave, rather than the 12 months that her enterprise agreement required.