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Super Retail in the gun for subsidiaries' underpayments

In what it claims is its first litigation seeking to have a holding company found responsible for its subsidiaries' breaches, the FWO has initiated court action against ASX-listed Super Retail Group for self-reported underpayments of more than $1 million that led to an internal audit and backpayments exceeding $50 million that the watchdog says remain short of the mark.

Director slugged $25K for falsifying pay records

A court has fined the director of a Japanese restaurant almost $25,000 after finding that he "reverse engineered" pay records provided to the FWO and asked a shortchanged employee not to "sell me out".

Underpaying employers face "stark choices": Judge

A Federal Court judge has while fining a franchisor almost $500,000 for deliberately underpaying Taiwanese interns speculated that a recent High Court ruling will impel more parties to agree on penalties rather than go to trial, an "unfortunate by-product" being fewer judgments offering "yardsticks" for future cases.

15% interim rise for direct care workers in aged care

The aged care case full bench has late this afternoon accepted the work value grounds for lifting pay for "direct care" workers in the sector, awarding them an interim 15% rise.

New hurdle for CFMMEU entry permit renewals

The FWC has renewed entry permits for three CFMMEU officials, but has made them conditional on them not exercising specific entry powers designed to protect textile, clothing and footwear workers, unless they complete further training.

FWC to address concerns about awards' super clauses

The FWC will review superannuation clauses in more than 100 awards over concerns that they could conflict with last year's legislative changes to "stapled" funds and underperforming products.

Plain English awards makeover almost complete: Bench

With the finish line in sight for the FWC's seven-year "plain language" transformation of its 120-plus modern awards, a full bench says the process is nevertheless an "ongoing exercise" and parties can seek at any time to address ambiguities and uncertainties in the instruments.

Fast food giant slow to provide breaks: Class "mega" action

McDonald's told workers they could exchange rest breaks for a soft drink or going to the toilet, according to allegations set out in a new SDA "mega" case against the fast food giant that seeks $250 million in compensation from it and more than 300 franchisees.

Qantas asking High Court to overturn outsource ruling

The TWU is decrying the Flying Kangaroo's decision to seek special leave from the High Court to challenge the full Federal Court ruling that it took unlawful adverse action when it contracted-out its ground handling functions to prevent workers from exercising their workplace rights to bargain and engage in industrial action, while rival Virgin Australia has told its workforce that it will end its wage freeze.