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Senate report on backpacker tax due today

The Senate economics committee is due to report today on its review of the "backpacker tax" bills, under which employers will be placed on a public register that the FWO can access to ensure they are complying with IR laws.

Annualised salary deal didn't specify award opt-outs, says court

A court has cleared the way for an employee to pursue claims for $29,000 in allegedly unpaid overtime and lunch breaks after finding her employment contract failed to specify the provisions of the clerks award that would be bought out in her annualised salary.

Court slams "shameless" sham scheme

A cleaning company that shamelessly exploited a vulnerable workforce made "inept attempts” to avoid the legal consequences when it claimed its employees were independent contractors, the Federal Court has found.

HR advisers, managers and recruiters now in FWO's sights

The Fair Work Ombudsman has warned accessorial liability for workplace breaches is now being extended beyond employers and company directors to those working in human resources, management and recruitment.

$90,000 fine for underpaying trolley collectors

A contractor "knowingly involved" in underpaying vulnerable supermarket trolley collectors and a subcontractor who "deliberately" produced false payment records and underpaid employees have been fined more than $90,000 by the Federal Court.

Sham contracting test case to challenge disrupters

Law firm Maurice Blackburn is considering a test case exploring whether food delivery companies in Victoria such as Foodora and Deliveroo are engaging in sham contracting by engaging riders who claim they are being paid below award rates.

Report on penalty rate danger "incomplete", "inaccurate": Domino's

Domino's Pizza says it intends to introduce penalty rates in its next agreement and that a Deutsche Bank report predicting the change could reduce profits by 24% does not factor in productivity measures implemented since the previous deal.