Right of entry page 11 of 19

189 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Right of entry

Defective paperwork no barrier to entry in safety matters: Bench

A full Federal Court has overturned a workplace safety finding that permit-holding union officials were rightly denied site access for neglecting to include their middle names on an entry notice, reinforcing that flawless paperwork comes a distant second to protection of workers.

Dispute exposes tear in super-merger's fabric

An entry dispute at a Queensland textile plant has exposed subterranean tensions during the merger of the CFMEU, TCFU and MUA, raising concerns about possible internal coverage disputes in future.

Court decision chips at unions' liability for officials' breaches

A Federal Court judge has upended the recently-adopted precept that unions are vicariously responsible for entry breaches by officials under the Fair Work Act's 'liabilities of bodies corporate' clause, declaring that a close examination of related cases reveals no support for the contention.

Bench refuses to disturb finding that Hadgkiss questioning "inexcusable"

A full Federal Court has found that a CFMEU official breached the Fair Work Act's "hinder or obstruct" prohibition for permit-holders when he "liberally" swore at a safety inspector, but rejected the ABCC's argument that it was denied procedural fairness when the trial judge described former Commissioner Nigel Hadgkiss's questioning of a witness as "inexcusable".

High Court refuses special leave to challenge entry ruling

The High Court has refused to grant special leave to appeal a full Federal Court finding that a CFMEU official needed a federal entry permit to assist a health and safety representative when he was invited onto a construction site under Victorian OHS laws.

High Court to hear special leave bid on entry rights

The High Court will next Friday hear special leave applications from WorkSafe Victoria and a CFMEU official who are challenging a full Federal Court finding that he needed a federal entry permit to assist a health and safety representative when invited onto a construction site.