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392 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Pay and conditions

Queensland to investigate "rogue" labour hire arrangements

A Queensland parliamentary inquiry will consider licensing and registration of labour hire companies as the state becomes the third jurisdiction to launch investigations into allegations of sham contracting and abuses of visa workers by labour suppliers.

Court to rule on award to apply at Cleanevent

The AWU and Cleanevent are awaiting a Federal Court ruling on their legal tussle over the modern award to cover cleaners at the Spotless group subsidiary.

HR manager fined for role in employer's notice breach

A HR manager has been fined more than $1,000 by the Federal Circuit Court for the part she played in her employer's provision of insufficient notice when dismissing an injured employee.

New ministerial working group on foreign worker exploitation to meet next week

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has set up a ministerial working group that she says will "consider further policy options" to curb exploitation of "vulnerable" foreign visa workers and might lead to Fair Work Act reform proposals that would be taken to the next election.

Executive wins $3.7 million for breach of employment contract

The Federal Court has awarded a former executive of an ASX-listed mining company more than $3.7 million after his employer breached his employment contract by failing to correctly pay his salary, superannuation, and leave entitlements – and his membership of the Union, University and Schools Club.

FWO launches auditing blitz in help request hotspots

The FWO will enlist local employer groups in a three-month auditing blitz of more than 400 businesses in regions where workers are making "persistent" requests for assistance, including Perth, Adelaide and Dandenong.