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FWC blunts union efforts to expand Aldi underpayment claims

The SDA has hit a major hurdle in its efforts to expand upon an underpayments court victory, the FWC refusing to order Aldi to provide six years of rosters, pay records and timesheets for almost 13,000 employees the union claims might have been shortchanged for work performed outside their shifts.

"Embarrassment" for director as labour hire operator fined $106K

A court has limited to about $100,000 the fines it has imposed on an underpaying, now-shuttered labour hire company after accepting that it unintentionally broke the law and that its embarrassed founder is "appropriately remorseful".

Court puts squeeze on juice bar for JobKeeper rort

A court has ordered a juice bar that pocketed a worker's JobKeeper payments to cough up nearly $30,000 and its director $5000 for ignoring a FWO compliance notice, signalling to the restaurant and cafe sector that its lawbreaking record has created a need for "very substantial general deterrence".

Our case secured $430 million BHP backpayment: Union

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division is taking credit for BHP's revelation today that it will have to backpay almost 30,000 workers in its Australian operations it has shortchanged since 2010, with its share set to cost it $431 million.

Jettison "employee-like" or limit it to gig work: MBA

The MBA is urging the Albanese Government to drop its plan to empower the FWC to deal with "employee-like" work, but says that if it is determined to go ahead, then the new jurisdiction should be confined to digital platform workers.

Worker wins anti-suit injunction

A manager has won an anti-suit injunction against his employer after it responded to his Federal Circuit and Family Court case seeking unpaid statutory entitlements by filing a cross-claim in a lower court.

Wage theft jail time considered for directors, HR managers

Underpaying employers could face fines of more than $4 million or three times the sum involved, while individuals such as directors and HR managers could face imprisonment and penalties up to $825,000 per breach under further wage theft reforms being considered by the Albanese Government.