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391 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Pay and conditions

High Court refuses Anglo's special leave bid on cashing-out

Anglo Coal is facing a seven-figure backpayment, after the High Court refused to grant it special leave to appeal a finding that a subsidiary breached its enterprise agreement by failing to pay employees correctly when they cashed-out personal/carer's leave.

$100M settlement for workers with disabilities

Law firm Maurice Blackburn says that after a court judgment today almost 10,000 workers with intellectual disabilities are set to receive more than $100 million in compensation for the Federal Government's alleged indirect disability discrimination when it required that their pay be fixed using its wage assessment tool.

7-Eleven compliance deed sets "new standard for franchising": FWO

An internal investigations unit will replace 7-Eleven's wage repayment panel, while biometric thumb-printing, CCTV and facial recognition will complement a centralised payroll system, as part of a new compliance deed between the retailer and the FWO.

Boost powers to collect unpaid super entitlements: Report

The FWO should given the same power the ATO has to recover unpaid super from employers, according to a new report commissioned by industry funds that estimates companies are underpaying compulsory entitlements by at least $3.6 billion a year.

Unions go head-to-head over BOOT

The CFMEU has been granted access to documents supporting prospective agreements between the AWU and a major labour supplier after expressing concern that the deals negotiated by its fellow union failed the BOOT.

Senate report on backpacker tax due today

The Senate economics committee is due to report today on its review of the "backpacker tax" bills, under which employers will be placed on a public register that the FWO can access to ensure they are complying with IR laws.

Labour hire managers fined for concealing $130,000 in unlawful deductions

A director who appears to be operating a "phoenix" labour hire company and his former HR manager have been penalised $25,000 for their knowing involvement in unlawfully deducting $130,000 from the wages of 102 Crown Casino and Federation Square cleaners and providing false records to the FWO.