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Worker weaponises employer's adverse action response

The FWC has rejected a company's objections and given the go-ahead for a worker who settled a general protections claim to use its response in that matter to run an underpayments case in the South Australian Employment Tribunal.

Cultural differences a poor excuse for exploitation: Judge

A federal court judge has in fining an underpaying juice shop operator almost $35,000 flatly rejected "cultur[al] differences" as a mitigating factor, lamenting instead the frequency with which ethnically diverse employers exploit their own communities.

Court backs FWO's power to delve into past

In a significant decision on FWO investigative powers under recent laws stiffening protections for vulnerable workers, the Federal Court has rejected a franchisor's bid to have declared void a notice to produce documents created before the legislation came into force.

Large employer fined for "brazen" exploitation ahead of class action

Days before SA's largest private employer is due to defend a class action on behalf of thousands of its convenience store workers, a tribunal has in awarding almost $65,000 in penalties to an underpaid console operator found it still at risk of non-compliance.

NTEU to launch underpayment class actions

The NTEU says it is preparing a "wave of class actions" and will "open the rule book" in pursuing other avenues to recover millions of dollars in underpayments on behalf of highly casualised university employees.

Workplace watchdog probing university underpayments

The FWO has confirmed it is now investigating three universities after the University of Sydney became the latest to reveal multimillion-dollar underpayments, while the NTEU blames mass casualisation for creating the conditions for "wage theft".

Judge says FWO didn't seek compensation for ripped-off workers

In levelling a $22,440 penalty against the former owner-operator of a labour-hire company that underpaid 80 workers on a Queensland mushroom farm more than $78,000, a court has noted the FWO did not seek compensation.