Inspectors and inspectorates page 15 of 28

278 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Inspectors and inspectorates

Employers push back on wage theft criminalisation

Australia's two largest employer groups have rejected the Morrison Government's in-principle commitment to introduce criminal offences for the worst cases of underpayment.

ROC says AWU flouted reporting obligations for years

The Registered Organisations Commission has told the AWU it appears to have breached it statutory reporting obligations on its membership in each consecutive year from 2009 until 2017.

Court rules officials must show permits for safety entry

The Federal Court has closed a loophole under which union organisers maintained they could enter sites to discuss safety issues under state OHS laws without showing their federal entry permits.

Twist on "cash back" scam alleged by FWO

The FWO is prosecuting the operators of a Sydney restaurant for allegedly underpaying a skilled worker on a SubClass 457 visa by more than $150,000 while they maintained "overall control" of his bank account.

MBA warns against "non-code-compliant" pattern construction deal

The NSW MBA has warned its members against bargaining with the CFMMEU construction and general division's State branch on a proposed enterprise agreement that is says is not compliant with the national construction code.

FWO seeks to take piecework case to High Court

The Fair Work Ombudsman will seek special leave from the High Court to appeal a full Federal Court ruling on whether hundreds of casual mushroom workers on non-compliant piecework agreements are entitled by default to be paid hourly rates under the horticultural award.

AWU-ROC deal avoids long trial

The AWU has made a formal agreement with the Registered Organisation Commission over its civil prosecution alleging breaches of the law that regulates union membership matters.