Employment standards page 39 of 47

466 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Employment standards

Bid to halt Patrick takeover an abuse of process: Court

A court has dismissed an attempt by six former Patrick Projects employees to win an interlocutory injunction stop its takeover while they sue it and parent company Asciano for allegedly failing to adhere to an employment agreement and deed.

Court slams "shameless" sham scheme

A cleaning company that shamelessly exploited a vulnerable workforce made "inept attempts” to avoid the legal consequences when it claimed its employees were independent contractors, the Federal Court has found.

FWO requires Pacific Island labour supplier to audit 20% of recruits

A labour hire employer "approved" by the federal government under the Seasonal Labour Program must engage an external auditor to check arrangements with 20% of its workforce after an FWO investigation discovered it underpaid visa recruits on a NSW farm.

Unpaid, unfed ship crew stranded off Queensland coast

Australian authorities are seeking assurances that the owners and operators of a coal carrier detained off the Queensland coast will pay the wages of about 20 crew and give them enough provisions for their journey to China.

Redundancy payouts must count regular casual service: FWC majority

Employers calculating redundancy payments will have to count periods of regular and systematic casual employment before workers became permanent, after a Fair Work Commission majority ruling that a dissenting member warns could retrospectively bestow other entitlements such as annual leave.

Law firm flags crackdown on exploitation and supply chains

In its annual review of the IR landscape, a major employment law firm concedes that while the Turnbull Government's workplace reform agenda may not be fully enacted in this parliamentary term, plans to crack down on worker exploitation have a good prospect of success.

$1.5 million WorkCover damages for sexual assault victim

A court has ordered WorkCover to pay $1.5 million to an employee who suffered psychiatric trauma after being sexually assaulted at work, telling a Brisbane youth service that it should have foreseen the risk and stopped attending a problem client.