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Chief executive's dismissal challenge backfires spectacularly

A court has given a publicly-listed veterinary pharmaceutical company the go-ahead to pursue its former chief executive for a significant portion of more than US$400,000 paid to settle assault and s-x discrimination cases brought by two members of its marketing team.

"Sleazy" Qantas engineer's sacking justified: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a veteran Qantas engineer who slapped a flight attendant on the bottom and said he caused a mechanical issue so he could ask her out, rejecting his claim assault allegations should have required a higher burden of proof.

"Unsteady" paramedic wins second chance to get job back

A paramedic sacked for allegedly self-medicating with a pain relief drug while on duty will get another chance to push for reinstatement, with Queensland's Industrial Court upholding his challenge to a decision dismissing his application.

Bench quashes compensation for "intentionally deviant" mineworker

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate an "intentionally deviant" mineworker, finding a tribunal member wrongly focussed on a BHP subsidiary's perceived failure to follow its Fair Play disciplinary guidelines.

Wage theft legislation introduced in Victoria

The Victorian Government has pushed ahead with legislation to create a criminal offence for deliberate underpayment, defying employer calls for it to be scrapped or delayed.

ASU unhappy with Qantas contrition payment

The ASU has hit out at the FWO for letting Qantas off with a $390,500 "slap on the wrist" contrition fine for underpaying 640 misclassified head office workers by about $7.1 million, but the airline says its self-reported error also led to about $22 million in overpayments.

Wage theft Bill to "pierce the corporate veil"

The Victorian Government intends to "pierce the corporate veil" with its forthcoming legislation to introduce criminal penalties for the worst cases of underpayment and exploitation.

Seasoned IR advisor to freshen Woolies' act

Woolworths has retained former Fair Work Commission member Greg Harrison to independently review backpayment claims by current or former employees.

Young Libs caution against wage theft heavy-handedness

The NSW Young Liberals have called on the Federal Coalition to establish a three-strike warning system to deal with employers that unintentionally underpay workers and for employees to "bear some of the risk", in a submission warning against "heavy-handed" policies.