Employment standards page 11 of 47

466 articles are classified in All Articles > Compliance > Employment standards

Australia endorses ILO anti-slavery provision

The Federal Government has ratified the newest ILO protocol to address forced labour, building on its law to counter modern slavery in supply chains.

High Court judges held to new standards of conduct

High Court employees accusing judges of inappropriate conduct can request formal external investigations, avoid further contact and if necessary secure an alternative position of equivalent status under a new policy on justices' workplace conduct.

SA Labor Government to move on wage theft, labour hire

South Australia's new Premier, Peter Malinauskas, takes office on a platform that includes introducing jail time for the worst cases of wage theft, creating an offence of industrial manslaughter and extending labour hire regulation across all industries.

Professor reinstated after "consensual" tryst with student

A university professor who won reinstatement after being sacked for being "s-xually intimate" with a student during a naked swim has failed to have his and his employer's names removed from the FWC's published decision, despite his concerns the case will attract extra publicity because he is a namesake of the Australian Prime Minister.

FWO wins initial numbers game against Woolworths

The Federal Court has applied the "precautionary principle" in accepting the FWO's view on the process for calculating underpayments for 19,000 salaried Woolworths employees, while it has also indicated that jointly managing the matter with a similar Coles case "would be useful".

Company flouted child work laws: Inspectors

Victoria's wage inspectorate is prosecuting a company that makes digital learning programs for young children for 48 breaches of the State's child employment laws when it allegedly engaged 23 minors under 15 without obtaining mandatory permits.

Sacked hours after surrogacy parental leave notice: Claim

A sales director allegedly dismissed just five hours after he told his chief operating officer that he intended to take unpaid parental leave on the birth of his two surrogate children is seeking compensation and a pecuniary penalty for alleged unlawful adverse action, but the company says the claim is baseless.

Woolies adds more underpayments to its docket

Woolworths has revealed another $144 million in underpayments to workers covered by its three main enterprise agreements, while warning its backpay bill for its earlier revelations about shortchanging salaried employees could still go higher.

CommBank "stole" $45m in paid tea breaks: FSU

The FSU is suing the Commonwealth Bank in the Federal Court for allegedly denying retail banking employees 10-minute rest breaks, claiming it owes at least $45 million in backpay to about 3000 workers.