Awards/agreements page 89 of 142

1419 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Spotless slugged $60,000 for paying unwitting union members' fees

ASX-listed Spotless Group Limited has been ordered to pay 14 former employees a total of $60,000 for breaching their privacy rights when disclosing their names to a union and paying their membership fees without authorisation.

Full Federal Court ruling clarifies super obligations

Employers with workers on annualised salaries have only to pay superannuation on standard hours at ordinary rates of pay, a full Federal Court led by Chief Justice James Allsop has ruled.

Unwelcome longer commute opens path to redundancy

A veteran bank teller with grandchild caring responsibilities has persuaded the FWC that it would be unreasonable for her position to be relocated to branches requiring extra driving time of 70 minutes each day.

Miner denied chance to address deal termination concern: Bench

The FWC will reconsider a mining company's bid to terminate an eight-year-old agreement covering no workers, a full bench finding a senior member gave it no opportunity to address his concern that it would not be in the public interest prior to talks with the CFMMEU.

FWC tosses back union's documentary "fishing expedition"

The FWC has labelled a "fishing expedition" an attempt by the United Firefighters' Union to access a vast array of documents from the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board, in an alleged dispute over budget cuts the union claims will negatively impact its members.

BHP cleared to make "lifestyle" roster changes

The FWC has affirmed BHP's right to introduce roster changes recognising "lifestyle arrangements" and made a call on what constitutes "significant" support for them, after the CFMMEU failed to establish that an agreement clause only allows for bottom-up instigation.

Bench throws out "ersatz" bid to quash Woolies deal

RAFFWU is yet to concede defeat on a bid to quash Woolworths' 2012 agreement, after an FWC full bench threw out its challenge to the approval of the retailer's replacement deal and accused it of trying to deprive some team members of an allowance "merely to aid" its termination application.

Transphobic references won't "throw me off my game": Commissioner

A tribunal member has decided against involving the federal police in the case of a persistent applicant who accused him of corruption, further refusing to be "thrown off [his] game" by the man's "transphobic" references to him.