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1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Tensions rise between rival Workpac class actions

In an escalation of tension between the CFMMEU and Adero Law over their competing class actions on behalf of black coal mineworkers allegedly misclassified as casuals by Workpac, the union is asking the courts to compel the law firm to use "reasonable endeavours" to cooperate.

Bench declines to trim hairdressers' penalty rates

An FWC full bench has rejected a bid to reduce hairdressers' penalty rates for weekend and public holidays, while seeking further submissions on whether weekend rates should be paid in addition to casual loading.

Suspending action won't hasten new deal: FWC

An employer has failed to convince the FWC that suspending industrial action would improve the chances of reaching agreement before the business is transferred to a new owner.

Latest Aerocare deal fails BOOT as award reversion looms

The FWC has again thwarted major aviation services company Aerocare's long quest to replace its now-terminated 2012 agreement, finding that an updated 2018 deal still failed the BOOT despite attempts to allay split-shift concerns.

Bench quashes pre-undertakings deal approval

An FWC presidential member had no power to approve an agreement before he received written undertakings to satisfy the BOOT, a full bench has found in a ruling in which it also uncovered incorrect claims by the employer that employees would not be worse off.

Merivale class action targets "zombie" deal

A class action law firm claims an underpayments case on behalf of an estimated 8200 current and former hospitality workers reveals a widespread problem of employers relying on pre-Fair Work "zombie agreements" to undercut the award

BHP Coal required unreasonable overtime: Court

The Federal Court has held that a BMA coal loading facility breached a reasonable overtime clause in its enterprise agreement by requiring workers to perform more than eight additional hours per week.

Employers jettison bid for "perma-flexi" workers

Employers will no longer pursue a new "perma-flexi" casuals classification as part of the FWC's four-yearly review, as they are confident that legal challenges or legislative change will avoid a requirement to provide additional entitlements to these workers.

Undertakings soar over genuine agreement hurdle: FWC

In a decision affirming the FWC's expanded ability to use undertakings to approve agreements, a controversial non-union power industry deal made with a handful of employees has been rubber-stamped despite concerns about how it was explained to those it covers.

FWC GM to scrutinise greenfields deal's stat decs

The FWC has referred its decision to terminate a nominally-expired greenfields agreement to general manager Bernadette O'Neill to consider whether its 2014 approval relied on inaccurate statutory declarations made by the employer's managing director and a CFMMEU State leader.