Awards/agreements page 69 of 142

1417 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

"Admonished" for wearing fast-fashion shoes, sacked lawyer claims

The FWC has agreed to hear a senior public sector lawyer's claims he was denied pay rises after being "admonished" for wearing Zara brand shoes, despite a court finding his employer conducted two procedurally fair investigations before sacking him for misconduct.

No "presumption" penalty rate cut tied to minimum wage: Bench

The SDA has failed to head off a double whammy for retail workers whose Sunday penalty rates fall this week despite a delay to minimum wage increases, after an FWC full bench found there was no presumption they should be aligned.

FWC weighing COVID-19 award change extensions as sunset looms

The FWC has told the ACTU and employers to confer on continuing COVID-19 measures in the clerical, fast food, retail, health industry and other awards ahead of a hearing tomorrow, while it is proposing to grant unopposed extensions to hospitality and vehicle awards.

Pandemic no excuse to stop bargaining: FWC

The FWC has ordered a major supermarket supplier to resume bargaining after finding that it was using the current pandemic as an excuse to delay meeting with the UWU.

COVID-19 clerks award change past use-by date: Union

The ASU says it will object to extending a coronavirus-driven variation to the clerks' award because it has been "superseded" by JobKeeper and Fair Work Act changes, dismissing the employer bid as an attack on the award system.

"Contrite" ABC made to pay for short-changing employees

In the FWO's first "contrition payment" extracted from another federal public body, the ABC has agreed to pay $600,000 and enter into an enforceable undertaking after admitting it underpaid 1900 past and current employees more than $12 million.