Awards/agreements page 67 of 142

1416 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Booming FWC workload confirms COVID-19 upheaval

New data from the FWC has confirmed the workplace upheaval being wrought by COVID-19, with a leap in unfair dismissal applications, stand-down disputes and agreement variations in pursuit of a wage freeze or deferral.

Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Bench buckets construction employer bid for JobKeeper flexibilities

An FWC full bench has today rejected a "misconceived' bid by construction employers to "level the playing field" by extending JobKeeper award flexibilities to ineligible companies in the sector, but has left the door open for changes due to the new Level 4 restrictions implemented in response to Victoria's second coronavirus wave.

FWC bench excludes "COVID-19 months" for commission-based agents

An FWC full bench is inviting submissions by 2pm on an award variation allowing the real estate industry to disregard the COVID-19 months for commission-only employees and place a moratorium on commencing such arrangements.

Timing OK, but consultation lacking over uni job cuts: FWC

In an instructive decision on when employers should communicate major job-cutting proposals to workers, the FWC has endorsed Deakin University's timing but told it to engage at an institution-wide level after finding its 15-area carve-up left "no opportunity" for meaningful consultation.

FWC bench weighs expanding paid pandemic leave

An FWC full bench proposing to grant paid pandemic leave for workers covered by the Aged Care Award is seeking submissions by 2pm today on whether to also insert it into the Nurses Award and Health Professionals and Support Services Award.

Judge says FWO didn't seek compensation for ripped-off workers

In levelling a $22,440 penalty against the former owner-operator of a labour-hire company that underpaid 80 workers on a Queensland mushroom farm more than $78,000, a court has noted the FWO did not seek compensation.

Sacked climate critic subject to conduct code: Full Court

An academic sacked after criticising climate research is considering a High Court challenge after a full Federal Court quashed a finding that James Cook University's code of conduct is "subordinate" to intellectual freedom protections.

New COVID-19 crisis might justify paid pandemic leave: Bench

Surging coronavirus cases in Victoria have today prompted an FWC full bench to seek urgent submissions on a provisional view that it should now vary the aged care award to provide paid pandemic leave for employees, including casuals, who must self-isolate.