Awards/agreements page 66 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

FWC backs Coles' weekend rostering arrangement

The SDA has failed to establish that rostering provisions in the Coles Supermarkets agreement should stop the supermarket giant from forcing a team leader with children's soccer and babysitting commitments to increase her weekend shifts.

McDonald's operator threatened workers on Facebook: Court

In a decision highlighting the perils of using Facebook as a managerial tool, the Federal Court has found a major McDonald's operator posted threatening, coercive messages that misrepresented workers' rights to water, toilet breaks and sick leave.

FWC moves to accommodate new WFH reality

The FWC has taken the initiative of releasing a draft award schedule addressing working-from-home arrangements, describing it as conversation-starter that recognises the need to adapt to COVID-19 realities.

Employer's proposed new roles don't need union approval: FWC

The RTBU says it will appeal an FWC finding that its deal does not require NSW Trains to reach in-principle agreement on the introduction of new driver and guard roles for its replacement intercity rail fleet.

Woolies buckles on pay increases

Woolworths has agreed to pay more than 100,000 workers delayed increases contained in four of the group's agreements, after the SDA agreed to withdraw legal proceedings commenced this week.

Union given "blunt" feedback over flawed FWC case

A senior FWC member has taken aim at a union for exhuming a member's five-year-old allowance grievance, observing that it risked its reputation by unenthusiastically pursuing such a "stale" and "obviously flawed" case.

WFH impacts factored into proposed COVID-19 deal variation

The FWC is considering COVID-19 variations to Queensland University of Technology agreements that include a requirement to factor in the pandemic's effect on employees' working environment and personal lives when managing performance.

BHP resumes bid to secure labour hire agreements

BHP will next week make a renewed attempt to win approval for two in-house labour enterprise agreements, after an FWC full bench majority ruled last month that its failure to properly explain the proposed pay arrangements meant the workforce did not genuinely agree. 

Employer's undertakings not enough to save 2007 deal

A dismissed worker and a union that was not a party to a major security company's pre-Fair Work agreement have succeeded in getting it terminated despite opposition from the employer and a number of current employees.