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Waterfront bargaining deal expected this week

Major stevedore DP World Australia expects to finalise a new enterprise agreement with the CFMMEU's MUA division this week, ending a contentious round of waterfront bargaining.

Employer's sworn statement not enough to approve deal: FWC bench

A senior FWC member's failure to seek the details of a construction employer's pre-ballot explanation of its proposed agreement has led to it being quashed, after a full bench rejected the proposition that the company could rely on its sworn statement about the process.

Swissport to press for deal's approval, after TWU flags new challenge

Outsourced aviation services provider Swissport has rebuffed the FWC's suggestion that it start afresh rather than continue to seek endorsement of its troubled 2018 agreement, after the TWU flagged that it would challenge the genuineness of the employees' consent.

Union's challenge to jeweller's deal not gold standard: FWC

An FWC full bench has criticised the SDA for its approach in challenging a Prouds Jewellers deal after the union neglected to provide modelling or analysis in support of claims that it failed the better off overall test.

FWC bench clips tribunal's own wings

In a significant ruling on FWC powers, food manufacturing giant Simplot Australia has overturned a finding that the tribunal can keep dealing with disputes brought under old agreements once a new deal comes into effect.

DJ not in tune with award: Court

The Federal Circuit Court has expressed "hesitation and regret" in accepting that while a DJ was a casual rather than an independent contractor, his underpayments claim must fail as his work was not covered by an award.

NZ Labour puts industry-wide bargaining on election runway

The New Zealand Labour Party has put industry-wide bargaining on the table ahead of next month's national election after pledging to legislate Fair Pay Agreements endorsed by former conservative Prime Minister Jim Bolger.

Proposal for five days paid "reproductive health" leave

An HSU branch in Victoria is pursuing an Australian-first claim for five days' annual paid reproductive health and wellbeing leave - to cover IVF treatment, endometriosis, vasectomies and serious menstrual pain - that the ACTU says would foster "more equal and accommodating workplaces".

Umpire rejects bid for "COVID-care" allowance

A $5 an hour "COVID-19 care allowance" for disability workers attending to self-isolated and quarantining clients is unnecessary and likely to trigger a push to insert it into other health sector and aged care awards, according to an FWC full bench.