Awards/agreements page 57 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

FWC's arbitral powers maintained under inherited deal: Full court

In a significant, if split, decision on the FWC's jurisdictional ambit, a majority full Federal Court has ruled that the tribunal would not be invalidly exercising judicial power if it arbitrated a dispute under an agreement an employer inherited after winning a Defence Department tender.

Order halts protected action at robo-terminal

Highly-automated stevedore Victoria International Container Terminal won an interim anti-industrial-action order late last week that halted an escalating MUA campaign that included a 36-hour protected strike due to begin on Sunday morning.

Tribunal offers blueprint for COVID-19 consultation

The FWC has given Santos, and AWU and the AMWU a recommended framework for consulting over pandemic-related proposals such as quarantining, suggesting they discuss current disputes concerning the gas giant's Cooper Basin workforce with a view to putting it into practice.

Union's PABO application backfires

In a decision highlighting the difference between "genuinely trying to reach agreement" and "good faith bargaining", the FWC has rejected an HSU application for a protected action ballot order and found its own conduct wanting.

Employer secures unprecedented bargaining extension

The FWC has for the first time retrospectively extended a single interest employer bargaining authorisation, avoiding the need for a group of schools to obtain a ministerial declaration after 14 months of negotiations and a successful second ballot.

Porter abandons contentious BOOT change

The Morrison Government has agreed to drop proposed changes to Better Off Overall Test in the IR Omnibus Bill, which would have given the FWC a temporary power to approve substandard enterprise agreements for employers afflicted by the pandemic.

Include 25% casual loading in FEG payout: Court

In what the CFMMEU is hailing as another win in a similar vein to the landmark Skene and Rossato rulings, the Federal Court has overruled the Attorney-General's Department's "parsimonious" refusal to include a 25% casual loading in a mineworker's FEG payout.

FWC survey indicates WFH now entrenched

More than half of private sector clerks included in a survey to inform a possible coronavirus-driven award variation have been working from home since the middle of last year and almost three quarters of employers intend to let them continue doing so at least some of the time.

Junk onerous casual conversion process: Fast food giant

McDonald's, the sole corporation to make a submission to the Omnibus Bill inquiry, is calling for substantial amendments to casual conversion provisions and the BOOT, indicating the legislation's changes to the latter are insufficient to renew its interest in enterprise bargaining.

Unions left stewing as another Aldi deal approved

Aldi has overcome union resistance to lock in another four-year deal at a major distribution centre by again terminating a contentious earlier agreement more than two and a half years before its nominal expiry.