Awards/agreements page 50 of 143

1423 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

FWO underpayment case should be scrapped: Recycler

The FWO "uncritically" accepted an employment agency's assertions about the correct award to apply to underpayment claims before prematurely issuing compliance notices, an employer alleges.

FWC bench invites comment on FDV leave research

Parties have been given until next Monday to provide feedback on questions being used to frame research commissioned by the FWC as part of its major review of family and domestic violence leave entitlements.

Commission to weigh making gig economy award

The FWC will consider Menulog's application to create an On Demand Delivery Industry Award, after a full bench expressed tentative views that the miscellaneous award does not provide a "fair and relevant" safety net and that the fast food award does not cover the sector.

Ruling wrongly forgives CFMMEU's "failures of oversight": Dissenter

An FWC full bench majority has quashed the approval of a construction agreement containing substandard summertime working time arrangements, but the minority says the CFMMEU should have been denied the leave it sought to overcome its "avoidable error" in failing to object when the Commission initially considered the deal.

FWC asks Canberra to clarify wage rise funding

The FWC has given the Federal Government a fortnight to reply to unions' requests for detailed data on aged care funding and its willingness to cover any increases awarded in their work value claims, after the tribunal agreed to join three HSU and ANMF applications.

VICT deal to convert casuals to perms: MUA

The MUA says a landmark four-year agreement deal at the Port of Melbourne's "robo-terminal" will lead to conversion of 75% of casual jobs to permanent roles and introduce new protections against outsourcing and contracting out.

DHL stops delegates passing company "secrets" to UWU

In a novel use of the Corporations Act in an IR setting, logistics company DHL has secured an urgent interlocutory injunction to stop the UWU procuring alleged confidential information from about 60 shop stewards that might have given it a significant advantage in enterprise negotiations underway across the company's sites.

Menulog begins employed-riders trial

Food delivery business Menulog has kicked off its trial of using employed riders instead of contractors in the Sydney CBD, with participants mostly working four-hour shifts, with the option of split shifts.

FWC boosts part-time flexibility in retail award

Retail employers and their part-time employees will be able to agree to extra hours by text message or email, under changes to the industry award that followed a request from the IR minister.