Awards/agreements page 38 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

"Discontent" inevitable when same work, different pay: FWC

A FWC senior member who once served as Fortescue's HR manager has observed in the course of granting its bid to transfer outsourced workers to a direct-employment deal that doing the same work for lesser conditions "inevitably" leads to discontent and would be "unfair".

Flexibility bid driven by antipathy to virus jab: FWC

The FWC has observed that a Victorian worker's application to work full-time from home under flexible work arrangements was largely motivated by her opposition to COVID-19 vaccinations, in upholding her employer's refusal of her request.

Coles free to bargain in separate aisles: FWC

A paid bargaining agent has failed to force Coles to give him a seat at the bargaining table with the UWU, after the FWC rejected his bid for a bargaining order, finding the Act doesn't require a single bargaining unit and that the supermarket giant provided "clear and sensible" reasons for separate negotiations.

Morrison Government to "consult" on paid FDV leave: Cash

The Morrison Government has declined to endorse the FWC's provisional view extending 10 days' paid domestic leave to about 2.6 million award-covered workers, a decision partly based on evidence that it is an "emerging standard" in bargaining and over-award arrangements.

Meat wholesaler on hook for unreasonable extra hours

In a rare Federal Court ruling on reasonable additional hours, a large employer faces penalties for numerous Fair Work Act and award breaches after being found to have employed a recently-arrived "third-world" migrant on a 50-hour week in which shifts began at 2am.

Qantas flags High Court appeal in outsourcing case

The TWU has vowed to fight for a substantial compensation package for almost 2000 former ground handlers and Qantas says it will appeal after a full court upheld a finding it took adverse action by outsourcing their roles, but refused to order reinstatement.

Newsflash: Qantas loses outsourcing appeal

Qantas has failed to overturn a Federal Court adverse action finding over its shunning of a TWU in-house bid when the airline decided to outsource the work of 2000 ground-handlers.

Bookstore deal binned after bad review

The FWC has warned that employers cannot delegate their responsibility to properly explain proposed agreements, after a bookstore claimed it relied on RAFFWU and another representative to do so due to "heightened aggression" during bargaining.