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Qantas contracting-out threat secures deal: Union

The AIPA says Qantas pilots have voted up, under threat of outsourcing, a newly-approved agreement variation that permits the flying kangaroo to apply existing fatigue rules for jets that fly six hours to its new generation Airbus A321XLRs that can be in the air for 11 hours.

No bias in questioning HR chief's actions: FWC bench

An employer has been given a final chance to respond without compulsion to concerns about a recently-approved deal, after a FWC bench dismissed an "unusual" application for it to recuse itself over perceived bias.

Westpac offers cash bonus to get 4% deal over line

Westpac is holding out a $1000 incentive to encourage employees to vote up its proposed agreement that promises a 4% rise in January for employees earning less than $95,000, when inflation is forecast to reach almost 8%, but the FSU says it should be increasing its base pay offer as the union pursues a 6% boost.

Workers on $170K not "guaranteed" high income: Court

A major mining company should have paid untaken sick leave to 20 retrenched employees, the Federal Court has ruled, in a judgment closely examining how the Fair Work Act's high-income threshold applies to annualised salaries.

Qantas lands deals, but turbulence on horizon

Qantas has secured new deals with freight pilots and unlicenced aircraft engineers but the threat of turmoil looms, with licensed engineers voting to stop work, ground crew considering it and the FAAA claiming domestic fight attendants are facing ultimatums.

Fast food giant slow to provide breaks: Class "mega" action

McDonald's told workers they could exchange rest breaks for a soft drink or going to the toilet, according to allegations set out in a new SDA "mega" case against the fast food giant that seeks $250 million in compensation from it and more than 300 franchisees.

Toll variation to open way for bottom-feeders: TWU

The TWU says a Toll Transport bid to amend the Road Transport and Distribution Award to "clarify" afternoon and night shift penalty provisions is a "shocking move" prompted by the union's allegations that it has been underpaying workers at one of its sites.

FWC tosses out union-excluding employer's axe bid

The FWC has refused to terminate the agreement of an employer that led the AWU to believe it would negotiate a replacement deal while moving in the background to bin it, finding it had not been prompted by an organiser calling its bargaining representative a sad "tosser" who lacked any humanity.

Managers, HR team face blowtorch over contentious deal

A hospitality company's managers are facing possible orders to appear before a FWC bench and explain why they are listed as having voted up a subsidiary's contentious deal, along with a HR chief who sparked concerns that he might have lied on the application form.