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Kiwis pass industry-wide bargaining laws

New Zealand's Ardern Labour Government is preparing for the introduction of occupational and industry-wide bargaining from December 1 after the passage of the landmark Fair Pay Agreements Bill last week.

Academic's Israeli flag swastika no basis for sacking: Court

In a significant ruling on supposed 'cancel culture', a court has found a leading sandstone university and its former deputy vice chancellor breached an agreement's intellectual freedom clause when the institution sacked a lecturer for superimposing a swastika on a posted image of an Israeli flag.

"Lawlessness test" might involve specific exclusions: Burke

The "lawlessness test" that is likely to prevent unions such as the CFMMEU from engaging in multi-employer bargaining could be made more specific after discussions with employers and unions, according to Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke.

Significant barriers to multi-employer bargaining: Expert

The Albanese Government's IR legislation provides "big improvements" in the bargaining framework for low-paid workers, but the benefits of the multi-employer provisions might be more limited, according to a leading workplace law expert.

IR Bill empowers FWC to rule on rejected flex requests

The Albanese Government's first major tranche of IR legislation beefs-up workers' rights to secure flexible working arrangements and empowers the FWC to arbitrate if conciliation of a refused request fails.

Nobody told us to resume considering appeal: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has taken a union and employer to task for failing to notify it to resume hearing the former's challenge to a contentious hospitality deal under which employees can work "voluntary" additional hours without penalties.

Builders ask NSW for purchasing policy shield

The MBA says it is pressing NSW's Perrottet Government for a procurement policy to protect builders against the ETU's pursuit of a "disastrous" deal with major contractors that it describes as the "spear point" of multi-employer pattern bargaining.

Bench rejects bid to quietly quash greenfields deal

John Holland's failure to identify the significance of a decision rejecting its earlier greenfields deal when applying to have an almost identical one approved "verged on misleading", a FWC full bench has held, quashing its approval while refusing to quietly do so "by consent".

Air traffic operator's penalties sky high: Full court

A Federal Court majority has slashed by more than 65% penalties imposed on a government-owned organisation for breaching agreement obligations, finding them "manifestly excessive".

Ross fires back over award "complexity"

A FWC full bench has marked the conclusion of the eight-year-long review of modern awards by seeking to rebut persistent claims that they are too complex for employers, observing that while "unpacking" clauses might add to their length, it has also provided greater clarity.