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Tribunal weighing cost-of-living bump as rail deal approved

A FWC bench will decide whether NSW rail employees receive an extra pay bump after long and fractious negotiations with the Perrottet Government ended with the approval of a new deal late on Friday.

Woolies' bid to vary award puts unions on collision course

Two of Australia's biggest unions are at loggerheads over a push by Woolworths to change the coverage of workers at the supermarket's online fulfilment centres, a move the UWU believes is partly motivated by the retailer's concerns about multi-employer bargaining.

Paper released ahead of "genuine deal" conferences next week

A new discussion paper to encourage debate and inform the FWC's drafting of a statement of principles on genuine agreement in bargaining asks for feedback on whether the Commission should take a prescriptive approach in response to the removal of detailed pre-approval obligations.

Late MSD support counts: FWC

The FWC has confirmed that unions applying for a MSD can demonstrate support for bargaining by subsequently providing individual declarations from workers who did not initially cast a vote.

Commission prepares ground for new expert panels

FWC Deputy President Bernadette O'Neill will oversee the new system of expert panels for pay equity and the care and community sector, the tribunal's acting president announced today.

Court to hear chief of staff's bid to keep job

The Federal Court will this morning hear a bid by Teal MP Monique Ryan's chief of staff to keep her job until it finishes dealing with her claims that the Federal Government sacked her for refusing to work unreasonable extra hours and subjected her to "hostile conduct".

Apple's 2014 deal on chopping block

The FWC has tentatively listed a March hearing to deal with a RAFFWU bid to axe Apple's 2014 agreement, which claims that reverting to the retail award will strengthen workers' conditions and bargaining position and accuses the $3 trillion company of treating permanent employees like casuals.

Mantle Group HR manager referred to federal police

FWC general manager Murray Furlong has referred hospitality company Mantle Group's HR manager to the Australian Federal Police for possible criminal prosecution after the tribunal found he deliberately provided false or misleading information about a substandard agreement that allowed the employer to ask workers to perform voluntary additional hours without penalty rates.

Landmark pay ruling for workers with a disability

Employers say the remuneration bill for workers with a disability covered by the Supported Employment Services Award might increase by up to 50% following variations that the FWC says will give them a "truly comprehensive range of fair minimum wages" for the first time.

Hobbled marine pilot entitled to extra leave: Tribunal

A State corporation, in the face of medical evidence, lacked the discretion to deny extra sick leave to a worker with a bad leg break that it believed didn't meet the definition of a serious long-term injury, the FWC has found.