Awards/agreements page 141 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Ditch proposed greenfields benchmark, employers tell Abbott

Business groups are pushing the Abbott Government to drop a requirement in its Fair Work amendments that the FWC take account of prevailing industry standards in approving employer proposals to resolve deadlocked greenfields negotiations, in submissions to a Senate inquiry.

FWC carpets advocate over "prevarication"

The Fair Work Commission has criticised an employer representative who filed a draft enterprise agreement for approval without sufficient evidence that it had been seen or approved by employees, saying her explanations about the deficiencies "could at best be described as prevarication".

Court rules employer disciplinary breach not "trivial", awards compensation

The Federal Court has awarded a nursing assistant $15,500 for her employer's failure to follow the three-strike disciplinary procedure in its enterprise agreement, but rejected her claims that it breached an implied term of trust and confidence in her employment contract.

Ruling reduces threshold for majority support bids

A Fair Work Commission full bench ruling has opened the door for unions to seek majority support determinations if they are eligible to represent a single employee to be covered by a proposed enterprise agreement.

FWC rejects bid to modernise enterprise award

The Fair Work Commission has rejected another employer application to create a modern enterprise award rather than be bound by a sector-wide modern award.

Full bench reverses public holiday ruling

The SDA has successfully appealed against fast food and hair & beauty industry employers having greater flexibility in compensating employees for working on public holidays.

FWC knocks out blanket "no extra claims" clause

Ahead of a full Federal Court hearing next month of Toyota's appeal against a ruling that it breached its enterprise agreement when it pushed for changes, the FWC has found that a "no extra claims" clause in a Tasmanian energy agreement is invalid and therefore no barrier to the employer's application to vary the deal.