Awards/agreements page 120 of 142

1416 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Annualised salary deal didn't specify award opt-outs, says court

A court has cleared the way for an employee to pursue claims for $29,000 in allegedly unpaid overtime and lunch breaks after finding her employment contract failed to specify the provisions of the clerks award that would be bought out in her annualised salary.

Bid to axe 2011 Coles deal resumes next week

The application to terminate the 2011 enterprise agreement that covers more than 74,000 Coles Supermarkets employees returns to the Fair Work Commission next week.

FWC grants MSD ballot to Coles meatworkers

The AMIEU is urging more than 2000 Coles meatworkers to vote in favour of bargaining for a dedicated national agreement for the retailer's meat department, warning that if they fail to strike a deal they are "open to further attack by the SDA" and will be unable to achieve reasonable pay rises.

Five months on, H&M agreement approval "dragging on"

An FWC member has warned fashion retailer H&M that consideration of whether its proposed agreement passes the BOOT has dragged on for too long and questioned why it failed to include some detriments in its statutory declaration.