Awards/agreements page 118 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Inquiry implores Cash to "heal the wounds of division" in APS

A Senate inquiry has urged Public Service Minister Michaelia Cash to intervene in the federal public sector bargaining dispute and soften the "intransigent" Coalition's "brutally hard-line" bargaining policy by relaxing the 2% wages cap and removing the prohibition on backpay, but Government senators have flatly rejected the recommendations.

Federal Court overturns ALDI deal

A full Federal Court majority has acceded to an SDA bid to overturn the approval of an ALDI deal, finding the FWC failed to establish that it was genuinely agreed and mistakenly held that a "make good" clause created an enforceable right to payments equal to or above those in the award.

Court needs to impose "meaningful" penalties on striking workers

The Federal Court has refused to suspend penalties against 50 workers who walked out to protest a colleague's sacking, fining each individual up to $1,500 for their unlawful industrial action at ExxonMobil's Longford gas conditioning plant last year.

FWC defends its turf as union seeks review of agreement documents

The FWC has knocked out United Voice's bid to review copies of documents supporting an enterprise agreement application it suspected of "undercutting" employees' conditions and not being genuinely agreed, observing the union was trying to do the Commission's job.

Challenge to FWBC powers to stymie agreements

The ETU has launched a Federal Court challenge to the construction watchdog's power to assess whether enterprise agreements comply with the 2013 construction code.

Victorian nurses' deal secures pay rises for eight years

Victoria's public sector nurses and midwives have overwhelmingly accepted a four-year deal that aims to achieve pay parity with their better-remunerated NSW counterparts and secures a further three wage increases in the next-generation agreement.