Awards/agreements page 116 of 142

1418 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Bargaining breakthrough at Esso

Onshore workers for Esso's Bass Strait oil and gas operations have voted up a second replacement enterprise agreement, leaving only the terms of the third deal, for offshore, to be arbitrated by the FWC.

Bench to examine employment abandonment clauses

FWC President Iain Ross has asked a full bench to review abandonment of employment clauses in six modern awards after a recent ruling that employers must take the "additional step" of ending the employment relationship when a worker walks off the job.

Full bench NERR ruling prompts new AMMA call for change

The AMMA has formally asked Employment Minister Michaelia Cash to restore "common sense" to agreement-making after an FWC full bench accepted the MUA's argument that defects in bargaining notices meant it had to quash the approval of two non-union deals.

Pizza Hut failing to deliver for workers: FWO

Fast food giant Pizza Hut has underpaid some of its delivery drivers, offering as little as $5.70 per delivery, with 92% of franchisees audited by the FWO failing to meet their legal obligations to employees, a report by the regulator has found.

Labor responds to prospect of penalty rate cut

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has flagged that Labor will seek to protect workers' take-home pay if the Fair Work Commission decides to reduce weekend penalty rates in its award review ruling.

FWC stays Loy Yang deal termination

The FWC has stayed the termination of the enterprise agreement for the Loy Yang power station and coal mine, conditional on CFMEU members refraining from taking any further industrial action until the appeal is decided.

Controversial ALDI agreement resuscitated by Federal Court

ALDI has secured a stay on a full Federal Court order overturning the approval of a controversial enterprise agreement covering employees at its new distribution centre in South Australia until its application for special leave to the High Court is determined later in the year.

Fast food deal wins approval after rates lifted by up to 26%

The FWC has approved an agreement for a franchisee of fast food chain Oporto, after it gave undertakings to lift its base rates of pay by up to a "remarkable" 26%, leaving employees more than 20% better off than under the award.

FWC bench upbraids member for failing to give reasons

It would have been preferable for an FWC member to have provided brief reasons for refusing to hear a non-party union's arguments against approval of an enterprise agreement, and she should have acceded to its request for access to the employer's statutory declarations, a full bench has found.