Awards/agreements page 1 of 142

1416 articles are classified in All Articles > Legal > Awards/agreements

Resources giants win access to union legal advice

Major mining companies targeted in a multi-employer bargaining test case have won access to an unredacted summary of legal advice provided to Professionals Australia, after the union undermined its claims of privilege with its broad sharing of a PowerPoint slide.

WFH direction for harassment accused breaches deal: FWC

The FWC has acknowledged there is a "high bar" to overturning management decisions but ultimately found that Ambulance Victoria breached its agreement when it directed a paramedic to perform alternative duties from home while it investigated a colleague's s-xual harassment claims against him.

"Largest ever" MSD forces grocers to bargaining table

The SDA says it has won the largest-ever majority support determination, opening the way for bargaining at Foodland and IGA supermarkets in regional SA after the union fended off a multi-pronged challenge to its narrowly-endorsed petition.

Firies entitled to compensation for additional hours: Bench

A FWC full bench has hosed down a commissioner's allegation that a failure to provide a worker 14 hours of "leisure time" bordered on "wage theft", but has upheld his finding that the worker should have received the additional leave.

Audit identifies award intersection with disconnect right

The FWC is inviting submissions by June 11 on a "right to disconnect" audit of all 155 modern awards focusing on terms involving spans of hours, notice, supervisory duties, and requirements to remain on call, on standby or return to duty.

"Upbeat" BHP benefits patter gets downbeat reception in FWC

BHP has failed in another bid to win approval of a deal for its in-house labour hire arm, after it gave workers an "upbeat" deep-dive on the benefits, failed to explain detriments and left them in the dark on pay.

RtD changes could help discourage "threadbare" staffing: ANMF

The ANMF is urging the FWC to use "right to disconnect" award variations make it harder for employers to cut costs by relying on "threadbare" staffing and refusing to roster enough workers on-call, while the NTEU wants casual academics paid to respond to students outside their working hours.

Academic's 'cancel culture' win overturned by full court

Sydney University will not have to reinstate a lecturer sacked five years ago for superimposing a swastika on an image of an Israeli flag, after a full Federal Court majority found he could not prove that his "incendiary" conduct fell under intellectual freedom protections.