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Burke considering multi-factor test for SJSP

IR Minister Tony Burke says the Albanese Government is considering a multi-factor test as part of its Same Job, Same Pay proposals, after resources employer group AREEA argued this is "critical" to delineate between "traditional labour hire" and other arrangements.

Reforms would "green-light" misconduct: Submission

The Minerals Council is warning the Albanese Government against introducing vicarious liability provisions in new Fair Work Act discrimination protections, while also urging it not to replace the Barclay burden of proof test for adverse action cases, saying it risks giving a "green light" to misconduct for those claiming to be engaging in industrial activity.

Migrant worker protections a potential "game changer"

Employers who pressure migrant workers into breaching their temporary visa conditions face criminal charges and increased fines under changes soon to be introduced by the Albanese Government.

Two-year pay freeze for NSW politicians, bureaucrats

A two-year pay freeze is set to be imposed on NSW politicians earning more than a base salary and the State's high-earning bureaucrats as the Minns Labor Government vows to redirect the savings to "essential service" workers such as teachers and nurses.

Employers "playing catch-up" ahead of Secure Jobs changes: Ai Group

Many employers are still scrambling to work out what the next raft of Secure Jobs changes will mean for them when they take effect next Tuesday and fear being "caught by surprise", according to the Ai Group, while the FWC has added a series of videos to its information packages on the amendments.

Put gig care worker protections in Act: Report

A new report recommends creating specific Fair Work Act protections for gig workers in the care sector and reforming the NDIS and aged care funding and regulation models that "reward businesses that avoid the costs and responsibilities of directly employing personal care and support workers".

Burke seeks to allay employer doubts about new FWC power

The MBA is today calling on the Albanese Government to give a firm undertaking to exclude industries outside the gig-economy before introducing legislation targeting employee-like forms of work, after IR Minister Tony Burke sought to hose down concerns it leaves the door open for a far broader remit.

"Same job, same pay" reforms "entirely unworkable": BCA

The Business Council says the Albanese Government's "same job, same pay" proposal "mandates pay level irrespective of the qualifications, experience, knowledge, service and skills of a worker" and imposes "unreasonable costs and administrative burdens" on businesses.

Arbitration threat will bring parties to table: Lawyer

A leading labour law academic has told an IR conference that expanding the FWC's power to arbitrate agreement negotiations will be "the single biggest challenge" posed by the Secure Jobs changes, while the head of a peak state employer group's law firm says it is the "Damoclesean threat of the sword" that will bring people to the table.