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Don't use inquiry to diminish industrial action protections: Academics

A group of leading IR academics has made a preemptive strike against any attempt to use the Coalition's "freedoms" inquiry to diminish the immunity from common law liability conferred by the Fair Work Act's protected industrial action provisions.

Employers to enlist ACCC in 2015: Freehills

A major employer-clientele law firm is predicting that unions will become more aggressive in their pursuit of wage and job security claims this year, and that employers will respond in kind by seeking to unilaterally end bargaining negotiations and turning to regulators like the ACCC.

AiG calls on government to bolster bargaining bill after Esso ruling

The AiG says that the Abbott Government should amend the Fair Work Act to prevent unions from taking industrial action when they are bargaining for "non-permitted" matters, in the wake of a FWC full bench decision on the issue this week.

Victorian Government moves to scrap anti-picket laws

Honouring one of its election commitments, the Victorian Labor Government will today introduce legislation to abolish the former Coalition Government's anti-picketing laws.

Court urges SA parliament to close casuals LSL loophole

A SA Supreme Court full bench has ruled that an employer must pay long service leave to a casual dockhand who worked sporadically for more than 20 years at Port Lincoln Harbour but has also recommended that state parliament urgently fix legislation that reduced his entitlement to almost nothing.

ACTU to Abetz: Stop the Bills!

In a move that the government has dismissed as a political stunt, the ACTU has told Employment Minister Eric Abetz he should suspend his IR legislative agenda for at least a year to enable the Heydon trade union inquiry and the Productivity Commission Fair Work Act review to run their course.