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$800,000 payout reduced in long-running "closed shop" case

A full bench of the Federal Court has roughly halved the compensation awarded to a married couple who were prevented from working for Skilled Group's Offshore Marine Services, after the MUA appealed the way the payout was assessed.

FWC review of penalty rates to start

An FWC full bench will this week set the schedule for its penalty rates review as part of its four-yearly review of modern awards.

Boral CFMEU litigation could set costs and damages record for IR law

Boral says it is seeking at least $20 million in damages in its secondary boycott case against the CFMEU, and has already rejected a $2.4 million settlement offer, in a case set for four weeks hearing with heavyweight legal teams on both sides.

Full bench confirms defence personnel not "employees"

A full bench of the Federal Court has confirmed the common law definition of "employee" as it applies to defence personnel after an enlisted serviceperson unsuccessfully argued the Commonwealth had discriminated against him when it took adverse action and sacked him for being HIV positive.

Miscarriage no excuse for late lodgement; Cleaners strike in Canberra; and more

Cleaners strike in Parliament bathrooms to support pay claim; Miscarriage not reason enough for an extension of time; Lunching security guard unfairly dismissed; Accountant's sacking fair in "highly unusual" case; High Court to hear unions challenge to offshore visas; and Bechtel clarifies position on leave approval.

Teaching unions restructure

The NSW Teachers Federation has amalgamated its state and federal branches into a single entity, while the NSW/ACT Independent Education Union expects to officially become a subdivision of the IEUA by the beginning of next year.