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Loopholes Bill nobbles umpire: BHP

BHP has accused the Albanese Government of "blatantly" seeking to undermine the FWC's independent decision-making by declaring the company's Operations Services internal labour hire arm a key target of the Closing Loopholes legislation.

Bill raises PPL to 26 weeks in 2026

The Albanese Government has today introduced its second tranche of legislation to increase federally-funded paid parental leave to 26 weeks.

Loopholes bill fails to deliver contractor exclusion: AREEA

Resources employer group AREEA says the Loopholes Bill's labour hire provisions lack a proper exemption for specialist contractors and will kill off the use of on-hire workers, despite Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke's assurances that the drafting would take "very full account" of its concerns.

Wrong approach to labour hire loophole: UWU

Ahead of its appearance tomorrow before the Senate inquiry into the Closing Loopholes Bill, the United Workers Union has urged the Albanese Government to amend the "same-job, same-pay" reforms in the legislation to make them "more efficient and sensible", while it has also warned that thousands of workers won't benefit because the process is too dependent on running cases in the FWC.

Academic calls on Senate to back Loopholes Bill's gig changes

A leading IR academic kicking off a Senate inquiry's hearings into the Albanese Government's Closing Loopholes legislation has recommended passage of changes for "employee-like" gig workers and owner drivers, along with some "improvements".

Red union president facing sack after appeal fails

The president of a nursing "red union" faces the sack from her hospital job after failing to persuade an appeal court that unauthorised media comments fell under protected industrial activity.

Stewart expecting substantial amendments to Loopholes Bill

Adelaide University Professor of Law Andrew Stewart says he expects the Closing Loopholes Bill to be substantially amended before it is passed into law, to narrow some provisions and add others, giving employers time to "start thinking about the implications" and prepare for "big and important changes".

Loopholes Bill a welcome regulatory catch-up: Academic

IR academic Chris F Wright has urged the Senate inquiry into the Closing Loopholes Bill to "recommend support" for the legislation, which he says is needed to update a regulatory framework that has "not adapted to fundamental changes in the labour market".

Legislation sets up parliamentary HR function

Federal Parliament has passed a trio of bills that establish the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service as an independent statutory HR agency and overhaul employment arrangements for parliamentary staff.