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Queensland to outlaw 100% FIFO mines

Queensland's Palaszczuk Government has introduced legislation to ban large new resource projects from engaging a 100% fly-in, fly-out workforce.

Senate report on backpacker tax due today

The Senate economics committee is due to report today on its review of the "backpacker tax" bills, under which employers will be placed on a public register that the FWO can access to ensure they are complying with IR laws.

IR bills to return to Senate when passage assured: PM

The Government won’t reintroduce the ABCC and ROC bills to the Senate until it has the numbers to win their passage, Prime Minister Turnbull said today in response to the new uncertainty about the crossbench.

Crossbench disarray threatens IR bills

The Turnbull Government’s plan to push its IR bills through the Senate have been thrown into doubt by legal questions over the eligibility of two crossbench senators.

Union has standing for adverse action case: Full court

A full Federal Court has dismissed regional airline Rex's attempts to challenge a pilots' union's standing to pursue an adverse action claim for non-members, concluding it is entitled to represent the industrial interests of eligible non-members.

Labour hire managers fined for concealing $130,000 in unlawful deductions

A director who appears to be operating a "phoenix" labour hire company and his former HR manager have been penalised $25,000 for their knowing involvement in unlawfully deducting $130,000 from the wages of 102 Crown Casino and Federation Square cleaners and providing false records to the FWO.

Ruling highlights boundary for assistance to unrepresented parties

An FWC full bench has expressed "grave reservations" about a member's assessment of compensation for a dismissed worker, in a case that illustrates the limits to the assistance the tribunal can extend to self-represented litigants.