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$100 in damages for "bullied" ship's officer

The Federal Court has awarded a ship's officer $100 in nominal damages for her employer's breach of her employment contract, finding it could not have foreseen that its flawed investigation of allegations she was bullied by her captain would lead her to stop working in the maritime industry altogether.

Inquiry implores Cash to "heal the wounds of division" in APS

A Senate inquiry has urged Public Service Minister Michaelia Cash to intervene in the federal public sector bargaining dispute and soften the "intransigent" Coalition's "brutally hard-line" bargaining policy by relaxing the 2% wages cap and removing the prohibition on backpay, but Government senators have flatly rejected the recommendations.

ABCC Bill not just about unions: Xenophon

Key crossbench senator Nick Xenophon will push for a security of payments working group in return for supporting the Turnbull Government's legislation to re-establish the ABCC.

Court needs to impose "meaningful" penalties on striking workers

The Federal Court has refused to suspend penalties against 50 workers who walked out to protest a colleague's sacking, fining each individual up to $1,500 for their unlawful industrial action at ExxonMobil's Longford gas conditioning plant last year.

Bills seek to close pay "loophole" and cut 457 visa "dodge"

As debate resumed on the ABCC legislation in the Senate this morning, the Greens introduced into the House a bill to protect loadings and penalty rates for weekend and night work, while Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten presented legislation to further restrict the use of 457 visas.

Independent contracting arrangement a façade: FWC

The FWC has found a roof tiler is an employee who can make an unfair dismissal claim, ruling his employer created an independent contracting "façade" to suit its own purposes and avoid paying his entitlements.

Umpire volunteered for non-trading corporation: FWC

The FWC has rejected an anti-bullying application by a rowing umpire after finding the association she volunteered for was not a trading corporation, despite some of its activities bearing the "necessary hallmarks of trading".

Minister confirms 17 FWC staff to transfer to ROC

A Registered Organisations Commission with ASIC-style powers and penalties will be established within the FWO, using transferring FWC staff, after the Coalition won crucial support from crossbench senators in exchange for greater protection for whistleblowers.

Bank, chief HR manager & former CEO to pay pregnant worker's costs

A court has ordered ANZ, its former chief executive Philip Chronican and two other bank executives, including its chief HR officer, to pay the costs of part of a case brought by an employee who alleged they failed to make reasonable adjustments during her pregnancy.